Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Successful Surgery

The surgery went really well. She called me this morning, right before they were going to take her in, and was telling me I had to correct her blood pressure in an earlier post because the numbers she gave made it sound like she as up tight, so her actual blood pressure is typically 110/60 - she's very calm. My dad says she was cracking jokes and making the doctors laugh all the way into the OR - seems to be handling it all well.

It was long, she went into the OR at 8am and got out around 4pm but it seems to have gone well. They'll get the pathology report on the removed tissue Friday or Monday, this will help them know if/what type of chemotherapy she'll need. Right now the ICU is full so they're keeping her in recovery until there is a space for her. She'll be in the ICU for 24 hours so they can make sure the tissue is getting adequate blood flow, for now it looks good. I'm not going to say anything funny about her or various body parts, partly because I don't want to be in trouble when she wakes up (probably not in the best mood), but mostly because I can't really think of anything funny to say. We're just grateful this part is over and hopeful that things continue to look good for the next 24 hours.

However, I am allowed to make comments about my dad since he is fully able to defend himself. He can't sleep in the ICU with my mom tonight but I think that will turn out to be a good thing. My mom can sleep through his snoring but I'm not sure all the other patients could!


  1. Thanks Jen...been watching for the post! Glad all went well, tho didn't realize the surgery would be so long. Love to you all, Em

  2. Thanks for the update Jen, you are as strong as your parents, thanks for being so inspirational.
    Sue Ann

  3. I just heard about all of this. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. -Janae

  4. Glad to know that this surgery went well. Hope she rests well tonight!

  5. All our best to Lisa and family. Thanks for keeping us posted, Jen.
    Susie and Robert

  6. Glad things went well... our prayers will still be with you all.
